3 Best Outfits for What To Wear to a Job Interview

/ by Pocketbook Agency

What you wear to a job interview can be the difference between nailing the job of your dreams or not. You have only one chance to make a great first impression, and your appearance is what a hiring manager initially judges you by, so you must look your best.

What you wear to a job interview shouldn’t only look neat and put together. It should also be comfortable, so you feel great too. However, not all job interviews are the same, so there’s no universal attire that’s best for every interview. Let’s go over what to wear to the different types of interviews, so you look the part every time.

What To Wear to a Job Interview Tips

Not all companies have the same dress code, so you want to choose an outfit that works for the position and company you’re interviewing for. Here are some quick tips to follow when deciding what to wear for a job interview.

1. Do Some Homework 

Before deciding what to wear to a job interview, the first thing to do is some homework. You’ll want to understand the company’s dress code and what people are wearing to work there. You don’t want to walk into an interview wearing formalwear when everyone is dressed casually. You want to look like you fit in with the company rather than sticking out like a sore thumb.

Do some digging to determine the dress code of the company you’re interviewing with. You can start by checking their website and moving to their social media pages. You’re looking for pictures of their employees in the office so you can see what everyone is wearing.

If you can’t find any photos that give you an idea of the company’s dress code, it’s acceptable to call the office and ask the receptionist or the hiring manager. They will appreciate your effort to dress appropriately for the interview.

2. Dress One Level Up

Once you find out the company’s dress code, it’s best to dress one notch up for an interview. For example, if the business’ dress code is casual, you can dress business casual for the interview. You should dress slightly nicer in an interview than what the people in the office wear every day, so make sure to do your research on the company’s culture.

3. Simple Is Better

When deciding what to wear to a job interview, remember to keep it simple. Avoid any loud colors or outfits that can be distracting. You want the interviewer to focus on what you’re saying rather than your outfit.

Neutral colors are safe, but you don’t have to look stale or boring. Add a pop of color in a necklace or a top to jazz up your neutral-colored outfit and show your personality. You can add a nice briefcase, portfolio, or handbag to hold your interviewing material in to keep them neat and organized.

4. Hold the Perfume

Perfume or cologne is OK, but keep it subtle and only wear a little. Some people have high sensitivity to scents, and too much can be overwhelming, especially in a small interview room. The last thing you want to do is cause the hiring manager to cut the interview short because they can’t stand to be in the perfumed-filled room any longer.

You want to be sure you shower and wear deodorant, so you smell fresh and clean, then a small amount of perfume or cologne will suffice. You want the hiring manager to remember you for what you said in the interview, not what you smelled like.

5. Dress Comfortably

While you may interview with a company that has a business professional dress code, you still want to dress comfortably. Needing to tug at or fix your outfit during the interview is distracting to you and the hiring manager. Your outfit should fit nicely, not too big, not too small, so make sure you have something appropriate in your wardrobe.

You’ll want to wear shoes that are classy and comfortable, too. You may sit for the majority of an interview, but you never know how much walking you will do. The hiring manager may take you on an office tour to show you around or introduce you to staff. You want to be sure your shoes are professional, stylish, and comfortable enough to handle a little bit of walking.

6. Pay Attention to the Details

When deciding what to wear for a job interview, be sure to pay attention to the details. Iron any wrinkled clothes. Check for any tears or stains on your outfit. Trim and clean your fingernails and shave if needed. You want to go to an interview with clean hair that’s combed and looks neat.

Before you walk into the office for an interview, check to ensure there’s no food in your teeth and your breath is smelling fresh.

7. Do a Practice Run

A day or more before the interview, it’s best to try on your clothes and accessories, including shoes, and check yourself in the mirror. Do you look the part? Do you feel the part? Are you confident and comfortable? If not, make the changes needed to look your best for the job interview.

You don’t want to scramble to find the best outfit to wear to the job interview the day of the interview. If so, you may walk into the job interview late or feel stressed, which will not help you land the job. Doing a practice run beforehand will help your job interview day run smoothly, so you’re cool, calm, and collected.

8. Video Interviews

Nowadays, video interviews are common, and what you wear to a job interview virtually matters. It’s best not to dress any differently than you would if you were going to the office for the job interview.

Best Interview Outfits for Women

Women deciding what to wear to a job interview first want to understand the dress code. Then you can narrow down what to wear to the job interview that fits the dress code but also makes you feel confident and look your best.

1. Casual – If you are interviewing in a casual workplace, choosing what to wear is pretty simple. A pair of dark denim pants or a skirt with a nicer blouse and matching jewelry to put the outfit together works. It’s best to choose a subtle heel or ballet flat to add a professional look to the denim. You should still avoid sandals, flip-flops, sneakers, and skirts that rise high above the knee.

2. Business casual – For business casual interview attire, avoid denim. Wear nice neutral-colored dress pants or a pencil skirt with a blouse and a blazer. Accessories with a pop of color and comfortable flats will tie the outfit together for the job interview.

3. Business professional – Business professional is when you need to pull out your feminine business suit. Black, navy blue, or grey suits are great choices, and add a conservative, neutral-colored blouse. A professional heel will put the look together but go with a loafer or ballet flat if you’re not comfortable in heels.

Best Interview Outfits for Men

For men, what to wear to a job interview looks different for the different dress codes. You want to pay attention to the details right down to your socks and shoes.

1. Casual – Casual job interview attire should look nice and semi-relaxed. Dark denim jeans with a button-down shirt and a nice watch work well together. Clean and classy tennis shoes work for a casual office dress code.

2. Business casual – Business casual job interview attire should not include denim. Nice neutral-colored dress slacks, chinos, or khakis with a tucked-in button-down shirt and a sports coat or sweater works. You can skip the tie for a business casual look. Stylish slack socks, leather shoes, and a strong watch put this job interview outfit together.

3. Business professional/business formal – Men should absolutely wear a suit and tie for business professional job interview attire. The suit should be tailored with a modern fit, so make sure your suit jacket fits properly. Black, navy, or grey are solid conservative color choices for an interview suit with a neutral tie to match. Leather dress shoes that are clean and polished will tie together the business professional attire.


Now that you know what to wear to a job interview, you can comfortably dress for success. Next, you’ll want to prepare for the interview, including practicing questions and answers, so you walk in confident you are the best fit for the position. Confidence goes a long way in a job interview, so practice, practice, practice.

In Closing

What to wear to a job interview depends on the position you’re applying for and the company’s dress code. Do your due diligence on the appropriate attire for the business you will interview with so you can choose the best outfit to look the part.

Don’t forget to pay attention to the details to ensure you look clean and put together. Subtle colors and patterns are best to avoid any distractions. You want the interviewer to remember you by your skills and excellent answers, not what you wore to the job interview.

You only have one chance to make a great first impression. Your appearance is what a hiring manager will judge you by first, so it must be on point.

Are you ready to interview for the job of your dreams? If so, contact the Pocketbook Agency today!



27 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers | Inc.com

What to Wear to an Interview to Ensure You Land the Job | Vogue

The Power of First Impressions | Psychology Today

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3 Best Outfits for What To Wear to a Job Interview
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