10 Important Items To Bring to a Job Interview

/ by Pocketbook Agency

You spend the time writing a resume, applying for open positions, and then finally, you get the call you’ve been waiting for – a hiring manager asking you to come in for an interview. The next step is to get prepared. 

Being prepared for an interview is more than looking your best and practicing the right answers to common interview questions. You must be prepared to bring the right items into the interview. Without these essential items, they might not offer you the position. 

In this article, we’ll go over what to bring to a job interview so you walk in fully prepared. Before we get into what to bring to an interview, let’s briefly go over how to prepare for an interview. 

How To Prepare for an Interview

To land the career of your dreams, or the stepping stone job to it, you must prepare for the interview to impress the hiring manager. You’ll want to spend some time preparing for the interview, so you nail it. On average, 118 people apply for the same position, so you must be ready to stand out. 

Here’s how to prepare for an interview and land the job:

Research the Company

You’ll want to do some homework to learn as much as you can about the company before the interview. Check out their website and social media pages to get a good understanding of who they are and what they stand for. Learn the CEO and executives’ names as well as the hiring managers. 

Print Your Documents

If you don’t have access to a printer, be sure to go to a library or another place where you can print your important documents to bring to the interview. We’ll get into what items you’ll need later. 

Get Your Outfit Ready

At least the day before the interview, be sure to pick out the right outfit, including shoes and accessories. Iron your clothes if needed, and be sure they’re comfortable and have no stains or tears. 

Practice Interview Questions and Answers

Before the interview, practice common interview questions and answers so you impress the hiring manager with all the right responses. 

Prepare for Interview Day

You want to be sure you are fully prepared for the day of the interview, so it runs smoothly and you arrive on time. 

The day before, it’s best to check your GPS to see how long it takes you to get to the location at the time of your interview so you plan for traffic. You’ll also want to set your alarm early enough to give yourself enough time to get ready and practice your interview. 

Important Items To Bring to a Job Interview

What you bring to a job interview is critical. Walking into an interview empty-handed is a huge mistake and could cost you the job. Here is a list of what to bring to a job interview: 

1. Copies of Your Resume

You may think that since you have already sent in your resume when you applied for the position, you don’t need to bring a copy to the interview. That’s not the case at all. 

You’ll want to hand your resume to each individual you speak with during the interview so having at least five copies is a good idea. You want to showcase your experience and expertise, and the way to do that thoroughly is through your resume. 

2. Copies of Your Reference List

When deciding what to bring to a job interview, be sure to bring a few copies of your reference list. You’ll want to have a list of individuals that can vouch for your excellent work ethic and skills. 

Your reference list should consist of your previous managers or other professionals you have worked closely with. If you’re struggling with putting together a list of individuals you have worked with, consider adding people you have volunteered with, couches, or professors that can speak of your character. 

3. Pen and Paper

It’s always best to bring pen and paper to an interview. You may want to take notes or jot down the name of any managers you met during the interview. It’s a good idea to ask for a business card from the individuals who interview you to get their email addresses so you can send a thank-you note and follow up after. 

4. A List of Questions and Topic Points

An interview shouldn’t just consist of the interviewer asking all of the questions. You are also interviewing the company to ensure they are a good fit for you. Think of what questions you should ask to gain more clarity, such as details of the position and the business. 

Making a note of a few topic points or things you want to make light of will help you remember to bring them up in the interview. It could be specific achievements or goals you’ve reached. It may also be things you’re interested in so the interviewer gets a feel for who you are as a person. After all, hiring managers today understand the importance of hiring individuals who have the skills required but also the right fit within the company culture. 

5. Identification

Some buildings require all visitors to provide identification before entering the building. Always bring your ID or license with you to an interview to be safe. 

6. Water Bottle and Mints

Some interviews last a while, especially if you have to wait, meet with several staff members, or tour the building. Bringing a water bottle to avoid dry mouth while talking is a good idea. You may even want to bring a mint to ensure your breath is fresh but be sure to swallow it or throw it away before you walk into the interview room. 

7. Portfolio

If you’re in a field where showcasing your work is essential to show recruiters your skills, then it’s best to bring a portfolio of your past work to the interview. You would also want to send a complete portfolio digitally but having some examples of your work in the interview is best. 

If you have testimonials from previous clients or statistics on how your work directly helped them, include that in your portfolio. 

8. A Folder, Briefcase, or Stylish Bag

When making your list of what to bring to a job interview, be sure to include the object you will carry your documents in, such as a folder, briefcase, or a stylish bag. You want to be sure your papers don’t wrinkle or stain before handing them to the hiring manager, so you’ll want to put them in something to keep them flat. 

You’ll want to avoid bringing a backpack as it’s considered unprofessional in an interview. Choose a bag that can carry everything you need to bring without bending your documents. Remember to keep your phone on silent in your bag during the interview. 

9. Address and Contact Information

You’ll want to write down the address of the interview and the contact information of the person you will be interviewing with. Bringing these with you will ensure you get to the correct location and remember who to ask for when you get there. 

It’s best to plan to get to the interview about 10 minutes early. This will leave you about five minutes to review your questions and answers, check to ensure there’s no food in your teeth, and silence your phone. 

Walking into the interview 10 minutes early is perfect. While arriving late can cost you the job offer, getting there too early may interrupt the busy hiring manager. 

10. A Friendly and Positive Attitude

Interviews are often stressful. Planning and preparing for the interview leaves many job seekers feeling nervous and tense by the time they sit down for the interview. It’s important to remember to bring your friendly and positive attitude to the interview despite your nervousness. 

Hiring managers want to see who you are as they will imagine how well you will fit in the office. They are looking for individuals with a positive attitude that is friendly and will blend in with their company culture and add to its success. 

In Sum – What To Bring to an Interview

Be sure to list the essential things to bring to a job interview to walk in confident and ready to show the hiring manager why you are the best fit for the position. You’ll want to prepare for the interview long beforehand to ensure you arrive on time with the important items in tow. 

Print several copies of your resume and reference list and keep them in a folder. Don’t forget your pen and paper to take important notes and jot down the names of staff members you met that you want to follow up with. 

Are you ready to apply to a position that fits you best? If so, contact Pocketbook Agency



27 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers | Inc

7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Job Search | Forbes

Recruiting for Cultural Fit | HBR

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10 Important Items To Bring to a Job Interview
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