How to Get the Most out of Remote Working / by Pocketbook Agency

While there are natural benefits and drawbacks to remote working, there are strategies that you can implement that can help you during this time of transition.  The American Psychiatric Association’s Center for Workplace Mental Health and the World Economic Forum has some ways to make the most out of your new working situation, and I’ve taken a few of the best ones to share here.

 Keep a Regular Schedule

Many people have taken to social media to share their “Quarantine Schedule” with varying responses.  However, the American Psychiatric Association says that keeping a daily schedule can help improve productivity and keep you on task for your deadlines.  Just make sure to include some breaks!

Increase Inclusion

While you may not be working in an office, for the time being, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to work alone.  In today’s day and age, there are multiple ways to stay connected with co-workers, and they transition to online work may even encourage it.  Being away from your coworkers can encourage communication and a more collaborative work environment.  Staying connected with coworkers will also help to minimize distractions at home and keep you focused on the task at hand.  Tools like Zoom, Skype or Google Classrooms allow for face to face interaction on a virtual level and can prove quite beneficial in an at-home workplace.

Set Boundaries for Work

You may be compelled to work more hours since you’re working from home, but working too much could lead to unnecessary stress and take a toll on both your physical and mental health.  This falls in line with keeping a daily routine as keeping a strict working schedule can help you get done what needs to get done and save time after for things like friends, family, and downtime.

Online training

Working at home is a great time to learn new skills for your job.  Whether you want to sharpen your skills in Microsoft Office or learn an entirely new skill, there are various educational outlets online such as edX, Udemy, Skillshare and LearnSmart that offer free tutorials in a variety of programs!


While times may be trying right now, we all need to stay hopeful in the face of uncertainty.  All we can do for now is try to adjust to our new, temporary situations and continue to support one another where we need it.  Remote working can be a learning experience for everyone, and we just need to take advantage of the opportunity being presented to us.


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