How To Talk to a Hiring Manager on the Phone

/ by Pocketbook Agency

Talking to a hiring manager on the phone is as important as your resume. The manager can decide solely based on the conversation, so it must go great to land the position.

It’s critical to take the proper steps and say the right things during job screenings and job interviews. Talking to the hiring manager over the phone can be intimidating if you’re not prepared to handle it.

Here, we’ll give you all the tips, pointers, and best practices for talking to a hiring manager over the phone.

Best Practices for Talking to a Hiring Manager on the Phone 

 – Be short, sweet, and to the point

 – Skip the script

 – Avoid using “Um.”

 – State your case

 – Ask meaningful interview questions

 – Demonstrate active listening

 – Treat it like an interview

How you speak to a hiring manager can differ between getting the job offer and not. Many hiring managers choose phone interviews as an initial screening to weed out candidates who are not a good fit.

Job seekers need to be prepared to handle the call well enough to impress the hiring manager and get to the next level in the hiring process. After all, the competition is steep for some positions, and it takes a lot to stand out. Here are the best practices for talking to a hiring manager on the phone to win them over:

1. Be Short, Sweet, and to the Point

Most hiring managers are constantly busy with headhunting, interviews, and onboarding individuals; you’ll always find them pressed for time. It’s best to prepare what points you want to touch on beforehand to ensure you don’t forget anything significant that would help influence their decision.

Don’t waste time talking about things that don’t state your case of why you’re a good fit for the position. Remember, the hiring manager is busy, so be short, sweet, and to the point to ensure your message is received. 

Talking about unrelated topics or just talking too much might result in the hiring manager getting distracted and starting to read emails or do something else rather than being fully present on the call.

Here are some quick tips to be prepared for a call with a hiring manager:

 – Make notes ahead of time – Sit down before the phone call to make notes of all the points you want to touch on so you can use them as a guide while talking to the hiring manager.

 – Practice – Practice makes perfect, so it’s best to do a mock phone interview to ensure you’re prepared and confident when you get the opportunity to talk to the hiring manager.

2. Skip the Script

While a script will help you say what you want and how you want it, scripts don’t work when talking to a hiring manager. The conversation doesn’t flow organically and doesn’t feel authentic when reading a script. Hiring managers can tell if someone is reading from a script and shows a lack of confidence. 

3.  Avoid Using “Um”

Most people use the word “um” more than they realize. Avoid using the term when talking to a hiring manager on the phone. The word “um” shows hesitation, doubt, or uncertainty, which you do not want to portray in an interview.

4. State Your Case

A phone call with a hiring manager often pre-screens candidates before bringing them in for an actual interview. The phone call is your golden opportunity to clearly state your case — why you want the job and how you’re qualified for the position. You want to come across as confident without sounding cocky.

When talking to a hiring manager on the phone, touch on a few points of your qualifications, experience, and professional interests. Mention details of how you see yourself fitting in well with the company, its mission, and its goals. 

5. Ask Meaningful Questions

Remember, when talking to a hiring manager on the phone, they are interviewing you to see if you’re the right fit for the position — but you are also looking to see if the company is right for you.

Be prepared with the questions you will ask to get the data you need to ensure the position and organization is best for you. Here are a few common questions job-seekers ask hiring managers:

 – What is the goal of this position?

 – What does success look like in this position?

 – What is the company culture like?

 – What is the career path for someone in this role?

 – What are the next steps in the hiring process?

You want to avoid questions about salaries and benefits in the early stages of the interview process. You first want to show your interest in the job and demonstrate the strengths you bring to the table. Show you’re genuinely interested in succeeding in the position rather than just looking for a paycheck.

When you’re confident, the hiring manager wants to offer you the position, and you know it’s right for you, that’s the time to discuss the salary. You’ll typically know after the first or second face-to-face interview.

6. Demonstrate Active Listening

Active listening means consciously making an effort to hear, understand and retain what the hiring manager is saying to you.

When having an in-person conversation, eye contact and nodding show active listening. Active listening over the phone is a little different as you must give verbal acknowledgment or brief affirmations to show the manager you are hearing and understanding them.

You can better influence and persuade the hiring manager‘s decision by listening to what they say. When the hiring manager explains what they’re looking for in the position, take in any keywords you can use after to reiterate your skills that match.

7. Treat It Like an Interview

When talking to a hiring manager on the phone, you want to act as if it’s an actual interview with them right in front of you. If it’s not a video call, your appearance isn’t as important, but when you’re dressed for success, you feel more confident and professional, and it comes across in your communication.

Avoid sitting comfortably on the couch or another relaxed place. Instead, try in your home office when talking to a hiring manager on the phone. It will help you feel more professional — and then you will remember to speak professionally. It’s best to sit up straight to ensure your voice projects clearly and is not silenced.

How To Prepare To Talk to a Hiring Manager on the Phone

 – Do your due diligence – It’s essential to do your due diligence and learn about the company before talking to a hiring manager on the phone. Find out any key details that will serve you in the interview. 

 – Be ready to take notes – The last thing you want to do is have to scramble while you’re on the phone with a hiring manager to find a pen and paper. It will leave you not listening well. Have a pen and paper in front of you ahead of time.

 – Have a copy of your resume handy – The hiring manager most likely will have your resume in front of them when talking to you on the phone. Having your resume at hand will help you discuss specifics accurately, such as your employment history. 

 – No distractions – When getting ready to talk to a hiring manager on the phone, you must eliminate any potential distractions. Think about anything that might disrupt your call or train of thought, whether other people in your home, pets or someone knocking on your door.

What Do Hiring Managers Look for When Talking to Candidates?

Here’s what hiring managers look for when talking on the phone with candidates:

 – Their interest level

 – Their skills

 – Are they a culture fit?

Job-seekers are often eager to get called in for an interview to explain why they’re the best candidates. However, hiring managers don’t want to waste their time or yours, so many choose to do initial phone interviews to determine who they want to call in for a more in-depth interview.

Interest Level

A hiring manager will call candidates to confirm they are genuinely interested in the position and feel out their interest level to determine if they want to spend their valuable time on the individual. Once the hiring manager sees the candidate is truly interested, they move on with the phone interview.


Hiring managers call applicants to discuss their skills and experience to understand if the candidate is qualified for the position. Many hiring managers have dealt with many unqualified individuals, so they have learned to confirm qualifications before wasting time.

When talking to a hiring manager on the phone, it’s best to have a brief list of your top skills to add to the position’s success. Have a list of achievements, rewards, degrees, and other certifications you’ve received that will help persuade them. If you get called in for a face-to-face interview, you’ll want to bring these documents and a few other items, so it’s best to keep them all together in a folder.

Are they a Culture Fit?

Company culture is what makes up an organization. It’s the people, the values, beliefs, attitudes, and how everyone works together. Culture is extremely important and sacred for many businesses as they understand its effect on the company. Hiring managers call candidates to get a feel for who they are personally and how they would fit within their company culture


When talking to a hiring manager on the phone, remember to treat the call as if you’re in front of them in an interview. Be prepared with pen and paper in a distraction-free professional setting. 

Having a list of topics you want to discuss in front of you will help you avoid missing critical details to persuade the hiring manager to choose you. Remember to practice active listening and ask meaningful questions. 

Are you ready to apply for a new position and find your perfect match? If so, contact The Pocketbook Agency today.


7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Job Search | Forbes

Why Corporate Culture Is Becoming Even More Important | Forbes

Stop Scripting Your Speeches | HBR

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How To Talk to a Hiring Manager on the Phone
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