How to Stay Focused While Working From Home / by Pocketbook Agency

Since the beginning of 2020, we have all had to learn how to adapt to this new world we are living in. For some this has been in the form of learning how to work from home or being a stay-at-home parent full time or learning how to navigate new technology because most jobs and school systems are all remote. Regardless of the circumstance, we have all had to learn how to become flexible and adjust to our new way of living. Today’s post will discuss how to stay focused and be productive in this new environment where most work is done from home.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, the average person’s routine used to consist of many different pre-work rituals. The sun would rise and so would a plethora of 9-5 workers pouring their morning cup of coffee. Soon, the streets and highways would be filled with people in their cars commuting to school or their jobs ready to sit at their desk and complete their work. Now the average person’s routine has been reduced to something much simpler: wake up and go to work…literally. According to Forbes, a study was conducted showing that over 40% of people’s mental health has declined since Covid-19, 59% of employees felt more cyber secure when they were working in an office space compared to home, and over 1 in 10 employees had their videos hacked while working remotely. With the pandemic in full effect, both corporate organizations and universities have agreed that the majority of their employees and students should complete their tasks from home. While some are doing well with the transition, there are a lot of inconveniences that individuals did not have to consider while at the workplace or school that are crossing their minds now. For instance, how does one feel as relaxed in their own home now that their house and workplace are one in the same? How does one work productively with new distractions around them? Try out some of our tips on staying focused while working from home listed below!

Have a dedicated workspace. 

If you are able to make an area in your home that you can dedicate just for work. By creating this space, you will associate it with work and be able to be productive and stay focused!

Set boundaries for yourself. 

This is very broad but very simple. You know yourself the best and creating simple boundaries for yourself will make a big difference in your productivity levels. This can range from not allowing yourself to be on your phone while doing work to set a set amount of time to work and have breaks.

Create a schedule. 

What better way to get tasks done than looking exactly what you have to get done right in front of you? I find it most helpful to write out my schedule on a Sunday for the entire week, so I know exactly when I have to work and have tasks due.

Make sure your Wi-Fi is stable and secure.

You can test your Wi-Fi connection on Project Stream or Speed Test before Zoom meetings to make sure your connection will be stable to avoid any distractions during your calls. Make sure your Wi-Fi has a strong password and you do not share it with anyone to ensure that your work files will remain secure. Check the legitimacy of any sites or softwares you utilize and make sure they’re compliant with your company’s confidentiality or privacy agreements. These measures will help alleviate any added stress or distractions from your workday.

Take breaks!

Although we would all like to be super productive and get all of our tasks done this is an unrealistic goal without giving yourself some breaks. These breaks will allow you to rejuvenate and get some energy back so you can continue to have a productive day. Hopefully these tips will lead you to create a more productive and focused work environment.


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